Whew~ 2008 was tough wasn’t it? With crazy fluctuating gas prices, the presidential election, a steady stream of war news and economic freak-outs it was a challenge to remain calm, collected and joyful. This year there continues to be a high degree of fear surrounding the economy. They say that in times like these the “luxury” items are the first to go, like massage, bacon and yes… hooping. Obviously this has providers of said luxury items pretty nervous. I have chosen instead to view the economic climate and its repercussions as an opportunity.
Our community is one who is concerned with the way the world works. There is much talk of challenging the social norm, reforming outdated systems(such as money) and creating a better, more sustainable world built on more friendly and cooperate foundations. This is an opportunity to put into action our highest ideals.

Bartering and Gifting
This is not a new idea. Many cultures swap services for most of their needs. In the current economic situation why limit ourselves to the use of cash as the only way to not only fulfill our needs and wants but as a measure of our success? I propose that we use this as a challenge to see how much of our daily wants and needs we can fulfill from simple human exchange. I am opening Hoop Revolution up to satisfy the needs of the hooping community with out the messy transaction of cash. Sure I will still need some cash to pay bills and such, but if you can’t afford it, I still want you to have hooping and as much pleasure as possible! Hoop Revolution has many needs that I know you can fulfill! Check the website:
http://www.hooprevolution.com/hooprevolution for a list of wants and needs as well as a list of services and items I have for barter. In addition I am looking for opportunities both as a business and as an individual to gift freely and regularly with no trade whatsoever. The concept of gifting goes one step beyond barter. If we all give for the pleasure of giving, everyone gets gifted at one time or another and it always comes back, even if not from the original source.
Together we can remain empowered and continue to fill our lives with the joy we so richly deserve regardless of how much money we have in the bank! And the funny thing is, if you know the law of attraction, the more rich and joyous we feel, the more money will come flowing back into our lives, even if we no longer need it. AH, the delicious paradox that is life!