I recently discovered a fun new divination tool.. I am a big fan of cards, runes and the i-ching and use them all often; mostly to get confirmation on intuitions or to get clarity on a specific situation. I recently moved to a new place and had a whole set of refrigerator magnets in a little tin I had yet to put up... One day I was walking through my kitchen and thought.. hmmm I wonder if i stuck my hand in without looking and just pulled some out what would i get? This one on the right is the first ------->
Cool, huh?
So, i began asking questions and I have been really tickled by some of the answers I have been getting! I am leaving out the details of the questions, but in general:

Asking about my next step:
To transform my entire existence by FULLY embracing the woman I am in the truest form!

About what could help me heal:
I actually lost my voice for a whole month and a half AFTER i pulled this one! I regained my voice after a half a day of silence at the Mentor Retreat. In my silence I realized that I need to step back a bit in order to allow others to have space to step into strong leadership roles. And that it didn't make me less than, it made me stronger and MORE joyful!

These two were about having healthy love and maintaining good personal boundaries:
The first one I interpreted as:
"meditate birth" = Focus on what I want to manifest
" bear care" = first i thought about care bears.. hee hee! then I realized that the Bear has always been an important spiritual symbol for me so I interpret it as taking care of my spiritual self
"believe you" an obvious one.. Believe in myself!
The second one I interpreted as:

we always recover our wisdom even if we have to heal for a bit..

I am bringing up gorgeous inquiries and to trust in my vision!
Fun stuff, huh!! Try this one!!
1. If you have fridge magnets, pull them all off and put them in a little tin that you hand fits into easily. Or buy some (hopefully ones with juicy woo-woo words like "transformation" and "spirit", etc...
2. Ask a question, general or not. A couple easy ones I like to use are:
" What is hidden from my view that could be of use to me right now?"
"What about ____ in my life?"
3. Without looking, pull however many words out of the tin that seem to naturally come into your hand.
4. Again, without looking, place them on the fridge in what every order you grab each one out of your hand first.
5. Contemplate, and enjoy!!
With love, gratitude and everlasting joy~ Anah