Thursday, March 31, 2011

MMMM, the 4 M's of Hoop Dance

I just returned home from teaching my newest workshop series at Sacred Circularities retreat in Bali! Sacred Circularites is a spiritually focused hoop retreat facilitated by Jaguar Mary. Because of the nature of this retreat I felt very free to explore the deeper aspects of hoop dance and as a result wrote a truly unique and wonderful series (IMHO)! In my contemplations I was drawn to develop a sense based, yet concrete pathway to the elusive state know as "flow". Flow is a buzzword often used in the hoop community, but what is it and how do we get there? This was the starting point of my creative process and here is the result
"MMMM, the 4 M'sof Hoop Dance"
Moment + Movement + Music = Magic

Moment~ your state of being, or presence in the moment
Movement~ your body's movement in combination with the hoop's movement
Music~ connecting to and losing yourself in the music
Magic~ the arrival into the state of flow

Starting with a guided hoop journey you will be guided to connect with your body, your emotions, and your surroundings, bringing you into the moment. We will play with different emotional/mental states and how they relate to your success or challenges in Hoop Dance (and all of life for that matter).

In the second segment I will lead you through a series of energetic and focused movement exercises designed to connect movement to hoop and erase the line between body and hoop. We will also learn some new "tricks" or moves to pump your hooping up to your next level.

In the third segment we will combine your new skills with a focus on rhythm and full integration into the music. Finally we arrive at the goal... Magic!

If you missed Sacred Circularities, not to worry! You can get this workshop at the up and coming HoopVillage in Ojai, CA!

You can also sign up now for Sacred Circularities in Bali for next year! Check out

See you in the circle soon!!
xo~ Anah aka Hoopalicious

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Greetings! Thank you for spending your precious time and generously contributing to my experience by sharing yours!
xo Hoopalicious